What Makes A Window Energy Efficient?
by GSL site adminWhat Makes A Window Energy Efficient?
A window is more than just a pane of glass. It’s a complex unit that can be built in a number of combinations. Energy efficient windows feature an insulating glass unit of two or three panes as well as Low-E coatings, gas fill and a variety of engineering advancements that stop the transfer of heat and cold. Together these high tech options make a glazing package.
Today, manufacturers use an array of technologies to make ENERGY STAR qualified windows.
A variety of durable, low-maintenance framing materials reduce heat transfer and help insulate better. Vinyl frames are low maintenance and provide good thermal insulation.
Two panes of glass, with an air-or-gas filled space in the middle, insulate much better than a single pane of glass. Some ENERGY STAR qualified windows include three or more panes for even greater energy-efficiency, increased impact resistance and sound insulation.
Special coatings reflect infrared light, keeping heat inside in winter and outside in summer. They also reflect damaging ultraviolet light, which helps protect interior furnishings from fading.
Some energy-efficient windows have argon, krypton, or other gases between the panes. These odorless, colorless, non-toxic gases insulate better than regular air.
A spacer keeps a window’s glass panes the correct distance apart. Non-metallic and metal/non-metal hybrid spacers also insulate pane edges, reducing heat transfer through the window.
The direction windows and doors face can make a big difference in the sun's intensity level within the home. South- and west-facing windows and doors require the highest level of UV protection. When temperatures spike, drafty windows and doors can quickly turn into rising utility bills. New energy efficient windows and doors are crucial to maintaining your home's comfort all year long, especially during the coldest and hottest months.
Let the experts at GSL PAINTING LLC help you conserve energy and save money with new or replacement windows and doors. We only use high-quality products that are sure to improve your home’s curb appeal as well as reduce your energy usage.